Friday, June 29, 2012

Jomar Hilario's VA Seminar Testimonial from Marivien Tiglao

"I am  a  grandmother to a  3  year old  smart  boy Alexis and my kids  and  granchild  always  laugh  at  me  because  I  am no  computer wizard  but  a computer  lizard  as  they  call me.  Never  in my wildest  dream that  I  will  study  all  these internet  related  subjects.  I was  just  aiming  to  build  my  online  shopping.  Never  have  a  thought  that I  still have  the  ability to absorb "techy subjects".  That's  where  Jomar  Hilario  came  into the  picture.  He  was  always  endorsed  by one of my  heroes  Bo Sanchez.  I  read  everything  I  could  thru the internet  and finally  I  had  an opportunity  to  attend  the  VA  Seminar  last  March  17, 2012  at the  beautiful  scenery  of Rosewood  Pointe.  And  Jomar  was  just  an  amazing  teacher  and  made  all the  topics  easy  to  understand and  never  thought  that  the application  will be  easy.  I  know  at  my pace  I  am  still a  lizard,  but  a  lizard  continuously and  enjoying  learning  everyday.  And  that  lizard  will one  day  emerge not  only  on  the walls  but  on the  walls  of  everyone  in the  internet.  LOL    And  the  funny,  cool  Jomar  Hilario  will always  be there  caring  and  guiding  people  to  see  the unlimited possibilites  of  earning  by  working from  home.  And  my  advocacy  to  create  businesses  and  job opportunites  extended  for  people  who  wants  to  work  from  home. "

Marivien R. Tiglao
Shree Raama Enterprises

Learn how to be a "hireable" VA, attend Jomar Hilario's VA Seminar or Avail of the VA Seminar Downloadable Version

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